VISION: “DS envisions inclusive and social discrimination free society.″ Mission: To achieve the vision, DS facilitates and advocates for economic, social and political enrichment of P&D through empowerment, social mobilization and enhancing intervention on power relation, resource and opportunities. GOAL: The strategic goals of DS for the next 5 years are: 1.At least 3000 hardcore poor HHs’ economic condition will be uplifted. 2.The women will reach in leadership by 33% hence Dalit by 15% and Janajati by 40%. 3.The state and non state institutions would be transparent and accountable throughout the district. 4.The infrastructures poverty alleviation for the 1200 hardcore poor families’ would be developed. 5. 3000 P&D families would be sensitized and operate mitigating measures of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaption. 6. DS would be recognized as resource organization for rural development.

Environment Conservation & Climate Change Adaption

Environment protection is cross cutting issue while Deurali Society operates any projects. An environment should be compentiated if any interference occurs during project implementation.

In the rural area, most of the households use firewood to cook where air pollution is affecting the breathing and eye sickness. An improved cooking stove either mud or metal can be used which passes smoke outside of kitchen. The next technology for smoke free at kitchen is biogas plant installation. If the electricity facility is available then forewood cooking stove can be displaced so that one can be free from smoke born diseas. We were ingaged promoting improved cooking stove from 2009 to 2016 then it was stopped due to shortage of funding.


The climate change is becoming severe issue of the  world and it is seriously affecting the nepalese communities, too. Nepal is a agriculture based country and irrigation facility is basic need. More than 68% land is covered by hill where the almost land is irrigated by stream and water source. But these days, most of the sources becoming dry and some of the existing source becoming very  limited discharge. The drinking water supply seems inadequate which is reducing the irrigation facility. So, rapidly the paddy field have been converting into barren land and youths are going for foreign employment. No rain fall is also happening uneven means sometimes there will be dry due to lack of rain and sometimes there will be heavy raining which is causing landslide and flooding. But normally, we can say that it is getting dry time and again. So, few of the lands can have facility of irrigation and most of the land is getting dry. It means to those land where irrigation facility is possible, there, agro business can be promoted and in dry land, some of the product requiring less water can be promoted.

Business promotion

In such a land where adequate irrigation is available, one can grow vegetable, spices, rice, wheat, barely, cereals, cardamom etc. But in the barren land where the irrigation facility is less or impossible, we found to be possible of ginger, turmeric, soyabean, room brush, citrus and so on cultivation. Similar, animal husbandry, dairy product, timber production & furniture, bee keeping, peanut, poultry firm etc are suitable. The skill based business also introduced. But issue of the community / farmer is the trust of tradional cultivation. It can be diverted gradually if technical input is adequate, marketting with reasonable price is ensured then farmers may follow the business motive production. The producer themselves cannot seek market and brokers are benefitting a lot which causing farmers discouraging.

Seek for support

Deurali Society is working with farmers since many years. But inadequate budget and timeframe is challenging us to facilitate communities reach till the destination. Because the winning the trust of farmers takes time acomplishing the cycles of benefitting. It means new pattern needs technical input to production till marketting with reasonable price should be ensured. For this purpose, the farmers themselves cannot take risk in the beginning. They cannot seek technical support whoever is potential, the viability of what for their locality and what the necessacities are for the business will come infront of them as a challenging. It may need financing, the new technology may be essential, the licencing, packaging, branding, lebelling may be necessary. The skill and knowledge of pricing and business scheme is mandatory if some one emerge into the business. These all the procedures one shall be introduced as besiness motive from subsistence farmer. The high price is possible by low vulome which is possible from processing or semi processing of production. Some of the product gets high value depending upon season or time. For these all, Deurali Society needs support for the following things.

  1. Technical human resource.
  2. Technical input in the community means training and exposures.
  3. Technology support to the community.
  4. Financial management as a seed money.
  5. Business counselling.
  6. Processing and branding, packaging, lebelling, licensing support.
  7. Networking of market and acquiring reasonable price.
  8. Assist proposal submission for subsidy.

The activities of Deurali Society regarding environment protection and climate change adaption of given in the following diagram.