VISION: “DS envisions inclusive and social discrimination free society.″ Mission: To achieve the vision, DS facilitates and advocates for economic, social and political enrichment of P&D through empowerment, social mobilization and enhancing intervention on power relation, resource and opportunities. GOAL: The strategic goals of DS for the next 5 years are: 1.At least 3000 hardcore poor HHs’ economic condition will be uplifted. 2.The women will reach in leadership by 33% hence Dalit by 15% and Janajati by 40%. 3.The state and non state institutions would be transparent and accountable throughout the district. 4.The infrastructures poverty alleviation for the 1200 hardcore poor families’ would be developed. 5. 3000 P&D families would be sensitized and operate mitigating measures of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaption. 6. DS would be recognized as resource organization for rural development.

Livelihood Program

Deurali Society is prioritizing to operate income generation program for the poor and disadvantaged community. The traditional of rural community is subsistance level. Most of the rural people are small farmer who use to product everything whatever s/he needs as a dailly use. It means rice, maize, millet, chilly, few vegetable, tomato, potato, garlic, onion, cucumber, pumkin, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, mustard, wheat, barley, hen/chicken, goat, buffallo, cow, bull, peagon, pig etc.  Not only these ones, a kind of mat (gundri & Pira), Doko, Dalo, Mandro, nanglo, damlo which are made of bamboo with skill. It means only the personal use are produced nor having  income by selling. The community do not have trust that the income happens from agro product. It makes sence of being independence but nowdays, the development of transportation, communication, education made the society open. So, ones livelihood became changed that is not limited only one community rather it became the subject of other concerns, too. The productions are becoming interchanged. One community needs a production of other communities. So, the entreprise development became necessary. That’s why, Deurali Society is also promoting poor and disadvantaged communities from subsistance to entreprise development. The production depends on the local context as the entreprise is livestock or paddy, vegetable or dairy, service or trade based.

The community people do not have technical knowledge as well as do not dare the risk of high volume production either the thing can sale in resonable price. So, the facilitation is needed. The farmer shall be exposed to such a communities where the same business is happening successfully. Then seed, fertilizer shall be made available, the technical shall be provided so that they can prepare soil and nursery, plant seedling, take care of plants and prevent from harming things, harvesting method then selling as raw material or after processing. The market from nearer to the far and utmost market which is the last pricing market.

Seek support:

Deurali Society seeks support mobilize human resource from different back ground means social to technical person as the business seems possible. So, we have to need the support for the following:

  • Social human resource who manages the program.
  • Technical human resorce who provides technical knowledge to farmers.
  • Technology support e.g.seed, soil treatment, fertilizer, cultivation, technology, inseticide/pesticide use, harversting technologyo and proper storage, access on to the traders etc.
  • The farmer do not have courage of risk bearing capacity means s/he wants to cultivate from small to medium volume. If s/he is having trust enough then only he agrees to go ahead producing for the business motive. To complete this cycle, at least 3-5 years test and practice is needed.
  • During this time, s/he needs financing to invest as the financial institutions shall be facilitated.