VISION: “DS envisions inclusive and social discrimination free society.″ Mission: To achieve the vision, DS facilitates and advocates for economic, social and political enrichment of P&D through empowerment, social mobilization and enhancing intervention on power relation, resource and opportunities. GOAL: The strategic goals of DS for the next 5 years are: 1.At least 3000 hardcore poor HHs’ economic condition will be uplifted. 2.The women will reach in leadership by 33% hence Dalit by 15% and Janajati by 40%. 3.The state and non state institutions would be transparent and accountable throughout the district. 4.The infrastructures poverty alleviation for the 1200 hardcore poor families’ would be developed. 5. 3000 P&D families would be sensitized and operate mitigating measures of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaption. 6. DS would be recognized as resource organization for rural development.

Current Activities

Right Program (LRP) with financial cooperation of Action Aid Nepal (AAN), being as a local partner of AAN, aiming to reduce hardship of rural women as well as familiarize them with recent technology, portable mill had been established subsidizing 50% of cost from the program. The mill makes the time saving of rural women on one hand. And on the other hand, the hardship of rural women is also reduced. The time saving is useful caring ones children as well as reducing work load. It also makes income generation of rural women since they charge some of the service cost when somebody go to crushing rice in the mill.

Social Inclusion by male, Female
Social Inclusion by Ethnicity

Deurali Society is facilitating on national campaign in Chhathar Gaupalika from the last 4 years. The campaign includes (i) Post ODF campaign (ii) Inhouse Air pollution Free campaign and (iii) Child Friendly Local Governance Campaign. There are 6 wards in Chhathar Gaupalika where 3636 households are staying where 16715 population is insist. The national campaign normally arises awareness at household level message that brings the change in human behavior positively. Every year, Deurali Society is organizing social audit where the planned activities and actually operated activities and expenses is presented among the respective participants for the information and approval. So, with this aim a social audit for FY 2078/79 have been organized. There had been notified and did approval of actually conducted activities and expenses based on an agreement. The Total budget was NRs. 1997426/ where as the actual expenditure is NRs. 1902112/ (95.18%). The social audit is usually held at the end of Nepalese fiscal year. The beneficiary no of this campaign is 5534 and the social inclusion reveals as per the chart.

Khurkutte Cave

Deurali Society take action to protect historic cave named “Khurkutte Cave” that is led down close to it’s office. It is being visited by new comers of Myanglung Bazar which is just around 1 km away from Bazar. There are now 2 caves  could be seen located in a big stone that made by human  ancestor since no one can make such a cave in these days. It is said that in the ancient time, the potters used to stay at night on the way from hill and mountain to Dharan fetching the salt and so on. The sorrounding old people say there was a pond also close to these caves.  There is no doubt it insists a historic value. So, Deurali Society came in front to protect it since differrent stakeholders made effort to bring resource from ministry of  culture and tourism, province no 1 of Nepal for Rs. 582000/ in words five lakhs and eighty two thousands only in FY 2078/79.

Children are in happy mood with game

Child Learning Center is operated in the rural backward community where the children found irregular in school and also guardians seem not much aware on school enrollment in the right time. The center has been running only in the morning. The neat and clean behavior, politeness, respectness, harmful and joyful actions, letter and number learning and teaching matters are the major things there. One of the facilitator is deployed with some financial incentive as  the center persists around 2 hours every morning. On the name of center, the fund is jointly established by Deurali Society on be half of AAN and community. The guardian states the children can learn even letters and number effectively. Such type of centers began during COVID 19 when the schools were closed. But these centers have been increasing due to willingness of the communities. In Athrai Gaupalika where LRP is being operated is the geographical area to conduct such type of centers.

Children smiling since getting stationery
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