VISION: “DS envisions inclusive and social discrimination free society.″ Mission: To achieve the vision, DS facilitates and advocates for economic, social and political enrichment of P&D through empowerment, social mobilization and enhancing intervention on power relation, resource and opportunities. GOAL: The strategic goals of DS for the next 5 years are: 1.At least 3000 hardcore poor HHs’ economic condition will be uplifted. 2.The women will reach in leadership by 33% hence Dalit by 15% and Janajati by 40%. 3.The state and non state institutions would be transparent and accountable throughout the district. 4.The infrastructures poverty alleviation for the 1200 hardcore poor families’ would be developed. 5. 3000 P&D families would be sensitized and operate mitigating measures of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaption. 6. DS would be recognized as resource organization for rural development.

Support US

A. Drinking Water and Sanitation program

In Tehrathum district, statistic states that 77% of drinking water supply facility is existing. But even in the district headquarter, though the filtration tank have been built, clean and safe drinking water supply is not happening. It reflects that the awareness raising for the safe drinking water is necessary through out the district. The old projects’ structures are unsafe means fencing is collapsed, lid of the structures are miss placed, the pipelines have been cracked that causes the water was polluted. Most of the source are lying in the stream where the flood water is contaminated. Almost projects needs repair and some of them need rehabilitation. The major thing is raising awareness of users who have to be made responsible to maintain ones project properly means the water user committee (WUC) should be exists and institutionalized, there should be operation and maintenance (O&M) fund where every moth service fee should be collected from each household. The water safety plan should be updated and water safety committee should be active. The WSUC should organize user assembly at least once a year and the leadership should be elected as per the statute.

On the other hand, around 27% house holds are having drinking water by non pipe supply system means they are depending on streams, spring, rainy water points and so on. Most of them are using temporary source which is almost unsafe for the drinking water. These users definitely facing scarcity of water. Out of them are staying in dry land. It means the source of water is very far that needs a big budget since the users are also big in size. The constitution of Nepal ensuring the Nepalese citizen shall have right to have basic need and also right to have a clean drinking water supply. The SDG Goal no 6 states that every people shall have a clean and safe drinking water supply facility which shall be sustainable.

The sanitation facility is tied up with drinking water supply. Nepal had been declared as open defecation free country about 7 years ago hence the media have written that no more than 55% households have made toilet as per the norms. Deurali Society had also done survey in Chhathar gaupalika which is one of the local government out of 6. There have been found 22% of households do not have toilet facility as per the norms and inhouse air pollution free. It states that still a huge number of population need drinking water and sanitation facility.

Regarding the old projects, if these are not repaired soon, then the huge portion of population will loose the projects which values around billions and new projects would be demanded as not less than hundreds of billions. The system of being accountable users themselves have not been developed. Every body says the taking care of the projects is the responsibility of government. It leads the projects and public properties would be careless or ignorance by the people.

Seeking support

With experience of social mobilization and operation of drinking water supply projects, Deurali Society wants to operate drinking water and sanitation projects by raising awareness of the people. When they feel on the project ownership, then only it becomes sustainable. One should realize that clean drinking water supply and sanitation facility is essential for their healthy life which saves hundred thousands of expenses due to treatment of diseases. Beside this thing, the long lasting of the project will move away their hardship of water fetching and so on. It means the budget of government would be invested in other projects since the community do not ask for the maintenance of drinking water projects in the long run. Keeping in the mind all these things, being as a local organization, it needs the financial assistance for the following matters:

Social human resource mobilization.

Technical human resource mobilization.

Identification of needy projects in equal involvement with local government.

Prefeasibility survey and detail survey

Coordination meeting with stakeholders

Social survey of the communities

Awareness raising and capacity building of communities.

Validate the project following the government rule and regulation

Assist and facilitate user and committees formulating the policies

Institutional development of Water User Group holding meeting, mass meeting etc.

Campaigning of health and sanitation that brings behavior change of the communities

Campaigning of health and sanitation that brings behavior change of the communities

Campaigning committees formation and mobilization

Exposure to the similar projects

Tri partite meeting (LG, WUC and SO) 

Award the clusters and individuals as a appreciating their contribution

Individual, household and environmental sanitation orientation and campaigning

Classification of wastage and disposal

Sanitation unit construction and management

Subsidize for toilet construction and smokeless oven management

Prepare action plan of project implementation

Support for procurement

Mason and plumber training

Group management, leadership development training

Account and documentation training

Bank Account operation

Cluster level meeting and Project level meeting

Prepare action plan of project implementation

Construction of project system.

Establish operation and maintenance fund

Monitoring regular and jointly with local government.

Establish office and documentation

Post Construction phase (Follow up the projects 2 years since its completion)


i. Pre construction phase 6 months

ii Construction phase 9 months

iii Post Construction Phase 6 months (preferably 2 years)