VISION: “DS envisions inclusive and social discrimination free society.″ Mission: To achieve the vision, DS facilitates and advocates for economic, social and political enrichment of P&D through empowerment, social mobilization and enhancing intervention on power relation, resource and opportunities. GOAL: The strategic goals of DS for the next 5 years are: 1.At least 3000 hardcore poor HHs’ economic condition will be uplifted. 2.The women will reach in leadership by 33% hence Dalit by 15% and Janajati by 40%. 3.The state and non state institutions would be transparent and accountable throughout the district. 4.The infrastructures poverty alleviation for the 1200 hardcore poor families’ would be developed. 5. 3000 P&D families would be sensitized and operate mitigating measures of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaption. 6. DS would be recognized as resource organization for rural development.

Drinking Water & Sanitation

Drinking Water and Sanitation Program:

It is said that around 90% people are having drinking water facility in Nepal. It might be the coverage of drinking water projects but in reality, most of the projects are not functioning well. Many people are out of facility of drinking water supply and sanitation hence the Nepalese people have fundamental right of basic and safe drinking water facility as per the constitution of Nepal.

It is said that more than 60% diseases of human being is caused by water born diseases. In rural area, around 85% people residing who are not aware in safe drinking water. Just bring water at home putting the pipe in source or streams without any structures, if structures prevail but do not seem safe means no barbed well, no lid of reservoir tank, pipe have been joint in many places with bamboo socket, not enough clean around the tap stand, not lid of water pot at home, no adequately wash hand by soap are the normal behavior of the rural people.

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Experience of Deurali Society

The basic facility of drinking water is possible since the users are equally participated. If water safety plan is introduced then people can follow it. Similar, the sanitation shall be equally implement sensitizing the people. Deurali Society have experience of it since it has been working as a support organization of Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board (RWSSFDB) located in Kathmandu since 2005. The local governments also do not have practice of safe drinking water rather they just provide drinking water projects which almost lacks the sustainability nor think of safe drinking water. The essence of the project is as given below:

  1. Supply not only drinking water but sanitation is equally emphasized including every household shall have toilet and inhouse air pollution free facility.
  2. The vulnerable communities will be prioritized where rural women are involved in income generation activities since the time consuming to fetch water.
  3. The wastage of water from house will be used to cultivate green vegetation so that supply  nutrition of rural people is enhanced.
  4. The sanitation behavior will be enhanced for the betterment of healthiness of rural people.
  5. The water safety plan will be practiced which contributes multiplier positive effect of lives of the rural people.
  6. The project with meter system is practiced so that the misuse of water decreased which contributes to have adequate supply of water.
  7. Some of the cases, the surface lifting system also occurs to implement which has also experienced  by Deurali Society and can operate so far possible.
  8. The source over the community is lacking and it remains below the community which shall be lifted over and supply as per gravity flow system.
  9. The operation and maintenance fund will be established initially around 3% of the project cost by the users for the sustainability of the project.
  10. The WUC is registered in local government so that the project occupied land, source and so on are entitled of the WUC.
  11. The women group is formed which revolves the seed money in income generating activities that contributes women’s self decision by the means of cash value.
  12. The assessment of the progress among support organization (SO), WUC and users is held frequently, action plan and progress as well as final approval shall be done by mass meeting which will be held at least 3 times (initial, mid and final of project) during the project period.
  13. The community managed projects will be enhanced for the sustainability.
  14. The material purchase and payment of project will be done by WUC. So, WUC has a bank account where grant will be transferred in two installment. WUC shall have market survey then finalize the vender one.
  15. The local contribution will be at least 20% of the total project cost.
  16. Village maintenance worker 3 persons from each project will be trained and mobilized for the project operation.
  17. The project stage will have 3 (Feasibility, Implementation and Post Implementation stages) stages.

Seeking of support by Deurali Society

Every service shall ensure social justice. So, Deurali Society prioritize the vulnerable community where the female are activated involving in income generation activities and even sanitation, too. The local government shall be involved as a cost sharing even it is limited but take the ownership and draw attention as well as make accountable for the future. The local government shall be facilitated to have guideline of regulating such user groups and both local government and user group shall be equally be accountable in the long run of the projects. We seek financial support for the following activities.

  • Train human resource and mobilize human resources that comprises a team of technical and social sector.
  • Capacity building training for the user committees and sensitization of each house hold.
  • Provide grant assistance to Water User Committee (WUC) to purchase materials and pay for the other project cost.
  • Hold review meeting (Jagaran Program) of the project.
  • Purchase material of health and sanitation sensitization campaign and cost sharing of construction of sanitation units such as toilet, smokeless stove etc.
  • Seed money grant to women group where one member from each user household is involved. The linkage with service provider, technical training for income generation of women will be organized.
  • The cost of IEC material, Hoarding board.
  • Formulation of project operation  and maintenance guideline, purchase of book keeping materials and office establishment cost for WUC.
  • Follow up cost during post implementation phase.
    • [/expander_maker]